Ceramic Class Part 1

A friend of mine found this place- Clay Expression on the internet We signed up for the 2 hours trial class (Rm100) without much hesitation Clay Expression is a studio for ceramic making It is situated at the industrial area at Subang which is super duper far away from our place But we still managed to get there by taking lrt, ktm and cab When we reached there, Ms Cindy took us for a tour Telling us the process of making ceramic Showing us the way to make ceramic by hand building or wheel throwing And also the art pieces created by her students Since we were first timer We went for the hand building There are four techniques in hand building namely Pinching, Coil, Slab and Press Mould We only learned two techniques- coil and press mould We first prepared the 1kg clay by removing the air bubbles inside You gotta knead (wedge) the clay repeatedly until all the air bubbles is removed This will require upper body strength and strong hands If air bubbles stil...